Lazada Scammers in the Philippines!

Philippine based resources for victims

Resources to fight Philippine scammers locally and Internationally:

Notes or concerns about oral defamation/slander and or liable charges:

This scammer has the nerve to tell me he will sue me when I informed him I was going to expose his scam. I welcome any claim of "Oral Defamation" under Section 94 of Republic 10951 or any claim of "Liable" Under Article 353 of the Philippines Revised Penal Code.

It is my opinion that all the victim that was scammed has to do is
tell the truth and provide supporting evidence. Since, truth is a viable defense for slander and libel under Philippines defamation laws, the possibility of facing charges for slander or liable are nil.

Listed below are the Filippine agencies that I will send data to regarding this scammer:

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Other sources where advice on scammers in the Philippines is recommended: